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    Dear customers and business partners, ensuring a high level of security and protection of your personal data is a long-term priority for us. In accordance with the relevant generally binding legal regulations, in particular Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (General Data Protection Regulation), we would therefore like to inform you about the processing of your personal data in connection with the mutual business cooperation.



    The administrator of your personal data obtained from you in connection with the performance of the contract is Mr. David Tresnak, CIN number: 056 96 381, with registered office at Nad Prehradou 857, Sedlcany, ZIP Code 264 01, Czech Republic, a natural person doing business under the Trade Act (hereinafter referred to as the "administrator").
    If you are interested, or if any fact regarding the processing of your personal data by us is unclear to you, you can contact us at the following contacts:

    - e-mail:



    We process the personal data of contractual partners (or their contact persons), obtained when establishing mutual contact or in connection with the conclusion of a contract and the fulfillment of related contractual obligations, and the personal data of the customer, communicated during a purchase or registration in our e-shop, in the manner specified in the provisions of this article .
    We therefore process your personal data on the following legal basis:
    fulfillment of contractual obligations resulting from the concluded contract and/or execution of measures prior to the conclusion of the contract - e.g. ensuring delivery of the ordered goods in the chosen manner;
    fulfillment of legal obligations imposed on us by relevant generally binding legal regulations, e.g. handling claims from possible defects of delivered goods (and other obligations stipulated in particular by Act No. 586/1992 Coll., on income taxes, as amended, by law No. 563/1991 Coll., on accounting, as amended, and Act No. 235/2004 Coll., on value added tax, as amended);
    legitimate interest in relation to the protection and enforcement of our possible claims and the optimization of our web presentation for the widest possible range of devices, possibly also the adaptation of offers to your preferences;
    Your consent to the processing of your e-mail address for sending the newsletter, if you have signed up for it and have not yet purchased any goods in our e-shop.
    Personal data that we process for the purposes specified in clause 2 letter a.–b. of this article, are:
    Identification data (name, surname, ID number, VAT number, if it is a legal entity, then the name and surname of the contact person);
    Contact information (address, telephone number, e-mail address; in the case of a legal entity, personal information may be the e-mail address and telephone number of the contact person);
    Payment details (bank account number);
    Data on orders and payments made.
    We process your personal data for the purposes specified in paragraph 3 letter c. of this article in the scope of the e-mail address for sending commercial messages, data about the purchased goods, type of device used, IP address, operating system, your browser and information about viewing individual pages on our e-shop website.
    We keep your e-mail address for the purposes specified in clause 3 letter d. of this article if you have given us consent, which you can revoke at any time by sending an e-mail to For these purposes, we record your e-mail address for a maximum of four (4) years or until you withdraw your consent.
    You do not need to create a user account in our e-shop to buy the offered products. However, creating a user account in our e-shop means for you a significant facilitation of further purchases, during which you will no longer have to re-enter your personal data necessary to process your subsequent order, which are specified in paragraph 3. (if you filled in this data during registration). In the same way, you will be able to edit and change your personal data in the client section and have an overview of your orders in our e-shop. If you decide to create a user account, the legal basis for the processing of personal data is the fulfillment of the contract, or implementation of measures prior to the conclusion of such contract. In case of any change to your personal data, please update them in your user account so that the ordered products actually reach you.
    Your personal data to the necessary extent will be transferred to the selected carrier for the delivery of the ordered goods. Your personal data may be passed on to our accounting and tax services provider. In connection with the maintenance of our computer system, the provider of hosting and IT services may have access to your personal data. In connection with the enforcement of our possible claims, personal data may be transferred to legal service providers. Recipients have a high level of security for your personal data.
    Your personal data will be processed for a period of four (4) years from the delivery of the relevant goods ordered in our e-shop to ensure the fulfillment of contractual obligations (in particular the processing of any complaints and the application of claims from the contract), or for a period of four (4) years from the date of termination of the contract in question in the case of our contractual partners. We archive tax documents with your personal data in accordance with the Value Added Tax Act for a period of ten (10) years. Your user account will be canceled in the event of inactivity for more than two (2) years; the cancellation of the user account will of course not affect the archiving according to the first sentence of this paragraph. The archiving periods are specified in the administrator's shredding and archiving regulations and result from the relevant generally binding legal regulations, or from the administrator's decision, if they are not stipulated by legal regulations. When processing personal data on our part, there is no automated decision-making or profiling.



    Under the conditions set out in generally binding legal regulations, you have the right to access your personal data (i.e. the right to obtain information from us about whether we process your personal data and, if so, what data it is and how it is processed). We provide you with the above information through this communication.
    You have the right to correct inaccurate personal data. If you discover that your personal data that we process do not correspond to reality (e.g. name distortion, change of residence address), you have the right to request that we correct or supplement the relevant personal data.
    In certain cases, you also have the right to erasure if:
    Your personal data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected or otherwise processed;
    you revoke the consent on the basis of which the relevant personal data was processed by us;
    you object to the processing of your personal data in cases established by the relevant generally binding legal regulations and there are no overriding legitimate reasons for the processing on our part;
    there has been unlawful processing of your personal data, or
    your personal data must be deleted to comply with a legal obligation that applies to us.
    You have the right to restriction of processing provided that:
    you deny the accuracy of your personal data for the time required for us to verify the accuracy of your personal data;
    there has been illegal processing of your personal data and you request restriction of processing instead of deletion;
    you objected to the processing and in other cases stipulated by relevant generally binding legal regulations.
    You also have the right to object to the processing of personal data, which is based on our legitimate interest, and the right to the portability of your personal data in cases established by generally binding legal regulations. You also have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority, which in the Czech Republic is the Office for Personal Data Protection (, if you believe that the processing of your personal data is in violation of the law. In case of any doubts or questions regarding the processing of your personal data by us, you can contact us at any time via the contacts listed above.
    We need the requested personal data from you to fulfill the contract and process your order in the e-shop. Of course, you are not obliged to provide us with your personal data, but without providing the necessary personal data, it is not possible to conclude a purchase contract with us and order the desired product (we would not know where to send the product, we or the delivery company would not be able to contact you in connection with delivery, etc.) .


    4. SMS
    We value your privacy and the information you consent to share in relation to our SMS marketing service. We use this information to send you text notifications (for your order, including abandoned checkout reminders), text marketing offers, and transactional texts, including requests for reviews from us.Opt-in data and consent for text messaging will not be shared with any third parties except for messaging partners,for the purpose of enabling and operating our text messaging program.

    Opt-in data and consent for text messaging will not be shared with any third-parties except for messaging partners, for the purpose of enabling and operating our text messaging program.

    Our website uses cookies to keep track of items you put into your shopping cart, including when you have abandoned your checkout. This information is used to determine when to send cart reminder messages via SMS.



    In order to ensure the best possible user environment in the e-shop and to ensure its full functionality, we use so-called cookies in the e-shop. These are small text files that are stored on your device. You can find more information about the cookies used here, for example.
    Some cookies are deleted immediately after turning off your web browser (temporary cookies), other cookies remain stored on your device and allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit the e-shop (permanent cookies). Thanks to this, for example, you can find out what goods you viewed on your previous visit, or you can return to the contents of the shopping cart in case you did not complete your purchase.
    You can set the rules for the use of cookies in your internet browser - usually you can individually decide to accept them or exclude them, both for specific cases and in general. Not accepting cookies may limit the functionality of the e-shop.
    In the e-shop, we also use Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google Czech Republic, s.r.o. ( CZ). Google Analytics uses cookies. However, for the stated purpose, your IP address is anonymized in full accordance with the legal regulation of personal data protection. The Google Analytics service provides us with information to evaluate the use of the e-shop by users and to possibly improve the web environment of the e-shop. The buyer can prevent the storage of cookies by setting the appropriate browser settings; However, the seller warns the buyer that the buyer does not have to fully use all the functions of this website in this case. You can block the use of the Google Analytics service, for example, by using the following link, through which you save the so-called Opt-Out-Cookies of the Internet browser to your device:

    The team